Creating Fields
From the administrative control panel:
- Go to "Integration > Fields"
- In the secondary navigation, click on "Create Fields".
- A popup will appear with two columns. The left column allows you to create a new field, while the right column allows you to specify the information for a new field.
- Field Type: Click on any field type to create a new field.
- Live Preview: This section provides a live preview of the field as you create it.
- Field Details: This section allows you to actually create the field. Click here for a discussion of what each field means.
When creating a new field, make sure you type into the correct text box (Item 3 above). The top text box is only a preview (Item 2 above)!
- You can create multiple fields at once by clicking a field type for each new field you want to create.
- Complete the process by clicking on "Save".