User Invoice Management

The self-service management page allows both members and contacts to access and view invoices online. A direct link is sent on all invoice notifications, however members can also access a full list of all of their invoices from the user management panel.

Invoice Page Breakdown

The invoice page is broken down as follow:

  1. Company Details: Your company details. The default template uses is based on the "Company Address" and "Company Contact Details" settings ("Integration > Options")
  2. Invoice Details: Overview of all key information for the invoice, including due date and invoice number.
  3. Client Being Invoiced: Details of the client being invoiced.
  4. Client's Shipping Information: If shipping information has been provided with the invoice, it will appear here.
  5. Invoice Memo: The invoice's memo.
  6. Invoice Components and Payment History: List of all components added to the invoice as well as all payments that have been applied to the invoice.
  7. Invoice Options: Payment link and a link to the printer-friendly version of the invoice.


The invoiced party can make a payment online at any time by clicking on the "Pay This Invoice" link. Depending on whether your settings allow users to make partial payments or not, the user may see the "Make a Payment on an Invoice" template, which allows the user to select the amount they wish to pay.

Once a total has been selected, the user will be redirected to the shopping cart and will go through the standard checkout process.

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Published on 2013/07/13.
Last updated on 2013/07/13.

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