Managing Campaigns


The campaign management slider allows you to view campaign statistics, edit the campaign, manage subscriptions, and track milestones. To load a campaign's slider, go to "Connect > Campaigns" and click the campaign you wish to work with.

Opt-In Campaign Management

Automated Campaign Management

1Primary Navigation Menu:
Performance: Statistical overview of the campaign in graphs.
Overview: Overview of campaign, including basic statistics and the ability to edit the campaign.
Logs: Activity logs for the campaign.
Unsubscriptions: List of users who have unsubscribed from the campaign.
Subscriptions: List of users who are subscribed to the campaign.
Milestones: List of milestones reached due to this campaign.
Notes: Employee notes on the campaign.
Messages (Automated Only): Create the messages that will be automatically emails to the subscribed users.
2For Opt-In Campaigns:
Send Message link: allows you to send a message to the campaign users.

For Automated Campaigns:
List of users who match the criteria.
3For Opt-In Campaigns:
Subscribe Form: Generate a form from which members can subscribe to the campaign.

For Automated Campaigns:
View and edit the criteria that is used as the basis for the campaign emails.
4Campaign Details: Basic campaign information. Name and opt-in type. Note that "Opt-in" will
5Campaign Specifics: Controls the status of the campaign and whether the emails sent through the campaign will update the user's "Next Action" date. Automated campaigns also have the option of setting a kill condition.
6Statistics: Campaign statistics.
7Milestones: Milestone statistics.

Opt-In Campaigns

Subscription Form

A subscription form allows users to subscribe themselves directly from your website. Click here for information on creating a subscription form.

Manually Subscribing Individual Users

  • Click on the "Subscriptions" tab. A list of subscribed users will appear.
  • Click on "New"
  • The "Subscribe User" popup will appear. Your options are to subscribe an existing member or contact, or to create a new contact and automatically subscribe them to the campaign.

Subscribing Members or Contacts Based on Criteria

  • Click on the "Subscriptions" tab. A list of subscribed users will appear.
  • Click on "Criteria Subscription"
  • Select whether you want to subscribe contacts or members.
  • Build the criteria that you want your members or contacts to have to match in order to be subscribed to this campaign. Click here for information on building criteria.
  • Click on "Preview" to preview who matches the criteria, or "Save" to complete the process.

Please note that if you are running a double opt-in campaign, the subscribed users will still need to click a link in their email inbox to confirm their subscriptions.

Automated Campaigns

Creating Messages

Any automated campaign is useless without messages.

  • To create a message, click on the "Messages" tab.
  • A list of existing messages will appear. Click on "New".
  • The "Create Campaign Message" popup will appear:

E-Mail Tab

Email Tab.

Use this tab to compose your message. Note that you can use caller tags on both the subject and message.

Click here for information on the e-mail composition fields.

Settings Tab

Settings Tab.

The "Basics" section controls when the email will be sent and "Title" is a reference name for the email.

The "When?" field controls when the message will be sent. So for example, if you set this to "3/Days", the email will be sent to the member/contact 3 days after he/she joins or was created. If you selected a campaign based on fixed dates, this will prompt you to input a date on which the email will be sent.

For information on the "Options", please click here.

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Published on 2013/07/19.
Last updated on 2013/07/31.

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