Control Panel Overview


Recommended Settings

For the best experience possible with the administrative dashboard, we recommend the following setup on your local computer:

  • Web Browser: Chrome v28+, Firefox 20+, Opera 13+, or Internet Explorer 10+.
  • We recommend Chrome or Firefox over the alternatives.
  • Cookies and javascript must be enabled.
  • Resolution: We recommend a minimum screen resolution of 1280x768.

Listings View

Zenbership Control Panel Overview

Listings appear throughout the control panel and provide you with quick access to filtered results in a logical tabular format.

  1. CRM Overview: Displays a list of contacts due, overdue contacts, opportunities, deadlines, and appointments. This list is for today.
  2. Filters: Allows you to filter the current listings based on specific criteria.
  3. Quick AddAdditional InformationThe quick add menu is located in the primary navigation bar. It is a green icon with a white plus sign. Menu: Allows you to quickly create various items, such as members, content, or contacts.
  4. Favorites Menu: Provides quick access to contacts, accounts, and members flagged as "Favorite".
  5. Secondary Navigation Menu: Links pertinent to the current page you are viewing.
  6. Primary Navigation Menu: Primary navigation for the program.
  7. Search: Quick search for members, account, contacts, event registrants, transactions, and events. Click the bull's eye icon to perform an advanced criteria-based search.
  8. Page Sorting: Sorting and display options for the current page.
  9. Table Settings: For listings pages, this allows you to customize the table headings.
  10. Update Availability: Informs you what you current version is and if there is an update available.
  11. Cron Job Status: Provides details on whether the cron jobs are properly running.
  12. Activity Feed: Provides a live notifications of activity throughout the program.
  13. Footer Options: Click links to a printer-friendly version of the page as well as the documentation.

Slider View

Zenbership Slider Overview

The slider is the 2nd layer of the control panel, used to manage various items throughout the program, such as members, contacts, events, and more. When you click a result in a listings page, you will often see a window pane "slide in" from the left side.

Popup View

Zenbership Popup

Popups are the 3rd layer of the control panel, used to provide quick access to editing and often the addition of items.

There are two variations on the popup: a large popup which covers most of the screen and a smaller popup for less intricate tasks.

You can close a popup by clicking on the "X" icon in the top right. You can also move a popup around the screen by clicking on the title bar of the popup and dragging it.


Many fields throughout the administrative control panel have an "Auto-complete" feature which will return real-time results as you type. In order to use a result, simply click it within the list of results. The field will populate the with the correct result.

Important: For many required fields that use the autocompleteAdditional InformationPlease remember that when using the auto-complete tool you must click the result to select it. You also cannot create a new item by simply typing the name of an item that doesn't exist. feature, a selection is required. This means that simply typing something, even if it matches an entry in the database, is not enough: you must click a result from the autocompleteAdditional InformationPlease remember that when using the auto-complete tool you must click the result to select it. You also cannot create a new item by simply typing the name of an item that doesn't exist. list, or alternatively, from the list view (explained below).

List View

List view works in unison with the autocompleteAdditional InformationPlease remember that when using the auto-complete tool you must click the result to select it. You also cannot create a new item by simply typing the name of an item that doesn't exist. feature, allowing you view a list of possible options for a field. This is useful in the event that you do not recall the correct name for an item and would rather find it in a list of items.

Click the "List View" icon ("1" above), and in the resulting list, select any item to populate the field ("2" above).


The "favorites" feature allows you to add accounts, contacts, and members into a "quick access favorites" menu found in the primary navigation bar.

To add a favorite to the list, load the users's slider and click on the "Favorite" icon ("1" above). The user will be added into the menu ("2" above), and in the future, when you load the user's slider, the icon will be lit up to indicate that it is already a favorite.

The favorite lists are customized to each employee's selections.


Whenever a popup or slider with a form is open, you can use "CTRL+S" to save the form.

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Published on 2013/07/10.
Last updated on 2013/08/23.

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