Subscription Overview

What is a Subscription?

A subscription is a recurring payment that is billed at regular intervals. Subscriptions can be created in one of many ways; the primary means of creating subscriptions are:

  • Directly from the Administrative Dashboard
  • Select "Subscription" from the "Quick AddAdditional InformationThe quick add menu is located in the primary navigation bar. It is a green icon with a white plus sign." Menu
  • When a user purchases a subscription product from the store front.

How Does the Program Renew Subscriptions?

The program uses a cron job to automatically renew subscriptions. It is vitally important that you ensure that the cron job is running properly. Click here for information on creating a cron job.

Creating a Subscription

To create a subscription from the administrative control panel, click on "Subscription" from the "Quick AddAdditional InformationThe quick add menu is located in the primary navigation bar. It is a green icon with a white plus sign." menu. A popup will appear with a number of options. These options have been outlined below:

Next RenewalDate on which this subscription will next renew.
ProductThe product associated with this subscription.
PriceLeave blank to use the standard product price, or add a custom price to override the standard price.
OptionsIf the product you selected is a trial product, this setting controls whether the trial period will be skipped or not.
TypeDetermines whether to create this subscription for an existing member, or whether to create a new contact to associate with this subscription.
MemberIf you selected "Existing Members", this is where you select the member's username.
First Name
Last Name
If you selected "New non-member user", input a name and email for the new contact.
Credit Card: TypeGives you the option to select an existing credit card (based on the member selected in the "Member" field), add a new credit card, or assign no credit card to the subscription.

Subscriptions Without a Credit Card

The program's default action when a subscription attempts to renew without a credit card on file is to invoice the user for the service. However if you would rather notify the user of the failed attempt and request that the user add a credit card to the subscription, you can do so from "Shop > Subscriptions > Options". Select "E-Mail Card Update Request" for the "Action For Cardless Renewals" setting.

Failed Attempts and Automated Reminders

By default, the program allows a maximum of 3 retries before a subscription is cancelled, with each retry every 2 days. You can customize these settings from "Shop > Subscriptions > Options". Update the settings as follows:

  • Maximum Failed Retries: Number of times a subscription can fail before it is cancelled.
  • Retry Spacing: Timeframe between retries.

When the program does detect a failed renewal attempt, it will email the user to inform them of this. The template used for this is called "Cart Subscription: No Card Notice".

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Published on 2013/07/12.
Last updated on 2013/07/12.

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